The activities

Come and simply enjoy the fullness of this place. Take a break and enjoy a quiet interlude in an authentic setting, by the fireplace or on the outdoor terrace, facing an inspiring panorama.

Escape to the wild

Enjoy 100% natural escapades in exceptional volcanic lands.

La Ferme du Bien-Être is located near the beautiful and dynamic village of Saint Julien Chapteuil. There are many permanent circuits and routes available from the Tourist Office, enabling you to organize your hiking, mountain biking and trail excursions.

La Ferme du Bien-Être also has its own hiking trails, which you can ask for at reception. Just 5 km from La Ferme, a climbing site invites you to take to the heights and commune with Mont Tortue.

The 4 seasons pronounced

In winter, enjoy snow-covered panoramas at Raffy and Les Estables, and activities such as skiing, snowshoeing and tobogganing. In autumn, the pretty orange colors of the foliage await you for magical hikes. In spring and summer, admire the fields in bloom and stroll around lakes such as Lac Bleu and Lac de Saint-Front.

Le Puy en Velay

17km from Saint Julien-Chapteuil, discover the European capital of the pilgrimage road to Saint Jacques de Compostelle. This town, sculpted by water and fire, creates breathtaking natural scenery and, in its protected area, architectural gems that bear witness to centuries of eventful history.

Saint-Julien Chapteuil

La Ferme du Bien-Être is part of the Bourgeneuf village of Saint-Julien Chapteuil. This locality includes a number of hamlets with heritage sites and viewpoints showing the extent of the sucs, such as Mont Chanis, Mont Rouge, Peyre de Bard and Testavoyre. Saint-Julien Chapteuil is also famous for its beautiful church and the ruins of the Chapteuil Castle.

For sports enthusiasts

There’s plenty of activity around La Ferme for sports enthusiasts: mountain biking, climbing, walking, hiking and much more. On request, we’ll provide you with an activity guide giving you contact details for some of our partners.

Hiking at La Ferme du Bien-Être

La Ferme du Bien-Être has its own hiking trails starting from our establishment. These 3 circuits allow you to discover the richness of the Meygal, and to cover certain summits for extensive views over the sucs. These hiking guides are available from La Ferme reception.